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Testex Replica Tape measures surface profile by creating a replica of the surface, which can be measured using a micrometer


  • Same trusted Coarse and X-Coarse replica foam in new strip format
  • Simple technique: place on the surface, press/burnish it into the surface, remove, and measure
  • Proven technique with accuracy and repeatability validated by numerous independent studies
  • Measure using a precision digital or analog micrometer or electronic PosiTector RTR Replica Tape Reader
  • Less than 30 seconds required for most replicas
  • Only surface profile measurement method recognized by ISO, ASTM, and AMPP


Conforms to ASME B46, ASTM D4417, ISO 8503-5, NACE SP287, SSPC-PA 17, SP5, SP6, SP10, SP11-87T, and others


Press-O-Film® Replica Tape

  • Conventional Testex Press-O-Film Tape Grades
    • Coarse Minus
    • Coarse
    • X-Coarse
    • X-Coarse Plus
  • Optical Grade Testex Press-O-Film Tape Grades
    • Optical Grade Coarse
    • Optical Grade X-Coarse
  • Legacy Testex Press-O-Film Tape Grades

Testex® Replica Tape (เทปจำลองโครงร่างพื้นผิว)

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